Category Archives: Solo”




Government historians have supressed the truth for years but now the facts can be revealed. Believe it or not. There once lived a tribe of unusually busty Englishwomen called the Soboobas. They led an isolated existence in the dense forests not far from Nottingham, where they lived off the land and also lapdanced for extra wampum. It was very difficult for them to find properly fitting brassieres so they dressed in fake animal skins. The Soboobas were raised by scouts for the Cleveland Indians and Atlanta Braves, who trained them in the art of Tomahawk swinging and pole dancing. At times, demented men (resembling LinseysWorld videographers) would stumble out of the forest, mumbling words that sounded like “hooters” and “tentpole.” No one believed their ridiculous babble until one brave, hopelessly insane man returned with one hand clenched around a video cassette, the other round his peacepipe. The princess of the Soboobas was called Boobahontas. This is her story. Until Disney remakes it. Let’s roll the video tape, and watch where you swing that ax, baby!

See More of Linsey Dawn McKenzie at LINSEYSWORLD.COM!

Leanne’s Infinity Bikini

Leanne’s Infinity Bikini

Leanne's Infinity Bikini

Leanne Crow joins the SCORE team for her second international romp, teaming with Jenna Valentine, Hitomi, Micky Bells and Natalie Fiore, the big-tit syndicate out to take over the world. And they have the natural equipment to do it! Modeling has allowed Leanne to break out of the ordinary life back home in England and travel the world to exotic locations. Under the Mexican sun in a swanky house, the office a couple of miles away, Leanne enjoys the infinity edge pool that ends with a dizzying view of the city below, sumptuous local meals with her sisters-under-the-bra and seeing the sights of this resort town. It’s first-class all the way for the first-class bird named Crow. “I always wanted to have big boobs. I used to literally pray every night for them. I would pray over and over that I would get boobs. I am not even kidding. I was desperate for them.” Leanne has got her wish! And the good life of a Puerto Vallarta Vacation suits her like a tight bikini!

See More of Leanne Crow at LEANNECROWVIDEOS.COM!

Breastfast of Champions

Breastfast of Champions

Breastfast of Champions

There is more than meets the eye as the eye enjoys the supernatural sight of Joana. Joana is a very spiritual girl in a new age way. She practices Hatha Yoga two hours every morning and meditates every day. Joana believes in sending out love waves and harmonic waves of pure bliss. Just looking at her here will make your life better and more balanced.

Joana is up early, but the breakfast table waiting for her takes second place to what she really wants to do. Showing you her sensational body and big, natural boobs is more important. Can you feel the waves of energy as she peels off her top, bra, shorts and panties? Is your breathing speeding up? Has your heart rate increased? Let Joana’s energy waves head straight at you like a love train as you enjoy her magnificence.

See More of Joana Bliss at JOANABLISS.COM!




Hi fellas! It’s time for more of A LETTER TO DESIRAE…I hope you enjoy! Any feedback I get from anyone is always appreciated, whether it be negative or positive. I always try to learn from it. If I get a lot of positive feedback about something, I’ll try to do it more. A lot of people like it when I pout my lips, so I try to do that more. I always try to listen to people. I’m really interested in what they’re thinking about me. And, oh, here are some really hot shots of me in the shower! XOXO Desirae

Hi Desirae,
I just think you are the most amazing, beautiful, yet down-to-earth girl on the planet! I cannot begin to count the number of times watching your videos and looking at your pics have made me blow a big white load! Two things I’d like to see from this excellent site (excellent because it has beautiful Desirae, pictures are great, choice of picture sizes, etc.) Love this site!-David

See More of Desirae at DESIRAESWORLD.COM!

Frisky Fruit

Frisky Fruit

Frisky Fruit

Christy knows that the way to keep her tits in tip-top shape is to exercise and eat right, which she does on a daily basis. (That’s why she’s so flexible and able to put her long, coltish legs right behind her head and spread her cookie wide for us to check out.) So we commend her for her dedication to her strict diet and yoga regime. That doesn’t mean she can’t have a little fun, too, right? Who says you can’t play with your food, too? Who says you can’t get a little frisky with, oh, let’s say a phallic fruit, like the banana Certainly not us. And certainly not Christy. Watch her fool around with these fruits. It’s delicious. And we promise that you will never look at produce the same way again.

See More of Christy Marks at CHRISTYMARKS.COM!